5 Signs You Need a Root Canal

Nobody is excited to get a root canal. Most people think of the treatment as painful and invasive, a last ditch effort for a tooth that’s badly damaged. But the truth is that a root canal usually isn’t painful. What’s often much more painful are the symptoms that only get worse if you don’t get a root canal. If you need one, it’s best to get one as soon as possible. But what exactly is a root canal, and how do you know if you need one? Let’s explore 5 common signs you need a root canal.

What is a root canal treatment?

While the treatment itself is usually called a root canal, the term root canal actually refers to a space beneath your  tooth that connects the tooth to its root. A root canal treatment is a procedure which removes bacteria from an infected root canal, prevents reinfection, and saves the tooth. Your dentist will remove Inflamed and infected tissue, clean the root, then fill it and seal it.

How do you know if you need a root canal?

Root canal procedures are necessary when your root canal becomes infected, but because you can’t see the inside of your tooth, this isn’t very helpful. However, there are several tell-tale symptoms that suggest a root canal may be necessary. Keep in mind, though, that only a dentist can tell you for sure if you need the treatment.

  1. Persistent pain

An occasional toothache is often no cause for concern, but if you notice pain in one part of your mouth consistently, you may need a root canal. This is especially true if you can’t do normal activities like drinking or eating without pain flaring up. This happens because your blood vessels and nerves become inflamed, and the resulting pressure is painful.

2. Swollen gums

Swelling often indicates that blood flow isn’t working like it’s supposed to. Swollen gums can suggest that the flow between your jaw and the chambers of your teeth is being blocked due to infection. It’s especially likely if the swelling is at its worst where your gums meet your jaw.

3. Chipped or cracked teeth

If a tooth gets damaged, it’s important to seek dental treatment right away. Your dentist can quickly bond onto a damaged part or reattach a tooth. If you leave your tooth damaged for too long, your root canal can be exposed to saliva, which can cause an infection.

If you play sports or do other intense physical activity, be sure to wear a mouthguard to help prevent your teeth from getting damaged.

4. Discolored teeth and gums

A discolored tooth can result from nerve damage beneath its surface. If it appears black or gray, that’s a good indicator the tooth might be dead, and dead teeth get infected easily. Teeth can die due to poor hygiene or from physical trauma, but either way, when infection occurs, a root canal is the best treatment.

Note that a discolored tooth is not a surefire indicator. Teeth can also be discolored when stained by certain foods and drinks.

Root infection can also discolor your gums. If you see a patch of your gums that’s darker than the surrounding tissue, a root infection might be the cause.

5. Extreme tooth sensitivity

A variety of factors can lead to sensitive teeth, but if you suddenly find that one tooth in particular is highly sensitive to hot and cold, this can be an indication that the tooth’s inner chamber is infected. Infection can cause the chamber’s nerves to overreact, and the effect often lingers.

How to Prevent a Root Canal

Like most dental treatments, root canals can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily is the foundation for oral health. It also helps to avoid hard foods, especially sugary treats like lollipops. Acidic foods and drinks like soda and lemonade should also be limited. If you play sports, wear a mouthguard. If you start to notice any potential problems, get them treated immediately to avoid the problems getting worse. And of course, visit your dentist twice per year for checkups and cleanings.

Get Treated at Great Salt Plains Health Center

It’s important to keep on the lookout for signs you need a root canal, but a dental health professional is the only person who can tell you for sure. If you see signs of infection, come and visit Great Salt Plains Health Center as soon as possible.

Even if you don’t suspect infection, regular dental visits are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Come visit us for a cleaning and checkup to help prevent infection or other dental problems from ever occurring. Take a look at our locations and contact us today to make an appointment.

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