What is point of care testing, and what are its benefits?

For the majority of medical history, testing has been done in a classic laboratory setting. Samples were taken from patients, then moved to external labs, where specialists could use equipment not available in clinics to check patients for a variety of conditions and diseases.

Classic testing still gets the job done, but it has its disadvantages. It can take a long time, it’s more expensive, and it raises the risk of sample contamination. Thankfully, medical technology has advanced to the point where we now have an alternative: point of care testing.

What is point of care testing?

The term point of care testing refers to any type of clinical testing done at or very near the physical location of a patient. In our case, it means right here in our clinic. Most of the time, patients are able to show up for their appointment, get tested, and see results before they leave.

There are countless applications of point of care testing, but here are some common examples:

  • Urinalysis

  • Cholesterol levels

  • STD/STI testing

  • Pregnancy tests

  • Blood alcohol levels

  • Drug testing

  • Hemoglobin A1c tests (blood sugar test)

  • Electrolyte analysis

Medical technology advances constantly, so new point of care tests become available all the time. If you think you might need a point of care test for any of the listed conditions, or you want to know if point of care testing might be available for something not listed, contact Great Salt Plains Health Center today to make an appointment.

Point of care testing is faster

As you might expect, point of care testing gets you results far faster than testing in a classic lab setting. In some cases, this can save lives by allowing for more efficient responses from providers and consultations for patients. A drug overdose, for example, could be identified and treated right away. A classic lab test would take so long that it would be too late for treatment by the time results came back.

Faster results are advantageous for doctors too. When a sample is collected, body chemistry can change over the period of time it takes for results to be found. By diagnosing and implementing treatment immediately after a test is taken, doctor’s can respond to a body’s immediate needs.

Point of care testing is less expensive

It likely comes at no surprise that point of care testing is usually more affordable than the traditional alternative. Because there is no third party laboratory, there’s no need to pay an additional fee for the transfer and analysis of a test. This can often make the payment process more transparent, reducing the risk of patients being hit with fees that exceed their expectations.

Additionally, point of care testing can save you money by taking place over the course of one appointment. Not only do you not need to return to be advised on results, but the clarity of the process can prevent additional testing elsewhere while awaiting results. Some patients seek second opinions due to anxiety and uncertainty, but there’s no need when your results can be presented to you quickly and directly.

Is point of care testing safer?

Point of care safety is a tricky subject, because there are a number of variables involved. The short answer is that yes, it is safer, but only when healthcare providers are extremely well-trained and experienced working with point of care testing equipment. The good news is that clinical advancements are being made every day, lowering risk factors more and more each year.

When performed correctly, point of care testing eliminates two key risk-factors that are unavoidable in classic lab settings: transportation and preservation. When samples are taken, they must be placed in a container and brought to a clinic. There is always a risk that something will contaminate the samples during either the packaging or transit process. Factors like temperature, proximity to other samples, and unsecured containers all pose potential risks.

Point of care testing, however, isn’t always safer. In some clinics, it may be considered less reliable. Because testing is done quickly and not necessarily by health care providers who have been fully trained in clinical laboratory settings, there can be a risk of mistakes. That’s why it’s absolutely essential to get point of care tests done by a clinic like Great Salt Plains Health Center, where we have a long track record of fast, safe, reliable testing.

Receive point of care testing at Great Salt Plains Health Center

If you’re interested in point of care testing for any condition or ailment you may be suffering from, Contact Great Salt Plains Health Center today to find a clinic near you, ask any questions you may have, and set up an appointment. We promise to do our best to get you fast, accurate, and affordable results.

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