Empowering Yourself After a Breast Cancer Screening: Expert Advice and Support

After completing a breast cancer screening, it's natural to feel a mix of emotions, from relief to apprehension. At Great Salt Plains Health, we understand the importance of supporting and guiding individuals navigating this process. 

For some women, getting to the breast cancer screening is a feat in and of itself. Step one is complete. Now, it’s time to wait for results. Easier said than done, that’s certain. 

In addition to the emotional rollercoaster that follows a breast cancer screening, you may face a myriad of questions and uncertainties about what comes next. Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of further testing, treatment decisions, and lifestyle adjustments is normal. This guide is here to help you as you wait and as you receive your results.   

At Great Salt Plains Health, we recognize the significance of addressing these concerns with compassion and expertise. Our dedicated teams in Enid, Canton, Cherokee, and Medford are committed to equipping you with the knowledge, resources, and support you need to navigate this journey with confidence and resilience. We are so grateful to be your trusted partners as we navigate the path forward together.

Understanding Your Screening Results

It is likely that one of our medical providers referred you for your screening, whether it was a routine mammogram, an MRI, or another screening. If you have questions throughout this process, call your provider. We are here to help.   

Upon completing your breast cancer screening, the waiting period for results can feel daunting. It's very important to remember that screenings are a proactive step towards early detection, significantly improving treatment outcomes. 

If your results indicate no abnormalities, take a moment to celebrate this victory for your health. However, if abnormalities are detected, try not to panic. Try to make your follow-up appointment as soon as possible to reduce the time for stress. 

An abnormal result doesn't automatically mean cancer; it may indicate the need for further testing or evaluation. Abnormalities and additional testing are common. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, out of every ten women who get a call back for more tests after a mammogram, less than one will be found to have cancer. Breast tissue is complicated, and mammogram imagery is just one screening method.     

Next Steps: If Results are Normal

If your screening results come back normal, congratulations! This is an encouraging sign of good breast health. However, it's important to continue regular screenings as your healthcare provider recommends. 

The United States Preventative Services Task Force and the CDC recommend the following for breast screenings: 

  • All women should routinely self-examine their breasts to notice changes or symptoms like lumps, pain, or changes in size and should report changes to their provider 

  • Women ages 40 to 49 at average risk of breast cancer should talk to their doctor about when to begin mammogram screenings based on their personal risk factors 

  • Women ages 50 to 74 at average risk for breast cancer should have mammograms every two years

Establishing a routine for mammograms or other screenings based on your age and risk factors is essential for maintaining breast health. Additionally, take this opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your healthcare provider. They can offer personalized advice on lifestyle changes, risk reduction strategies, and preventive measures to keep your breasts healthy.

Next Steps: If Follow-Up Is Needed 

In some cases, your screening results may suggest the need for additional tests or follow-up appointments. If your healthcare provider recommends further evaluation, it's essential to prioritize scheduling these appointments promptly. 

Delaying follow-up care can lead to unnecessary anxiety and potentially affect treatment options if a problem is detected. You can trust the Great Salt Plains Health team and the other professionals we refer our patients to guide you through the next steps, whether it involves diagnostic imaging, biopsy, or consultation with a specialist. 

Remember, early detection and intervention are key to better outcomes in breast cancer treatment. And, as we mentioned earlier, the majority of women who have a follow-up appointment after their initial screening do not receive a cancer diagnosis. 

Coping with Abnormal Results 

Receiving abnormal results from an initial breast cancer screening can be frightening. It's normal to experience a range of emotions, including fear, sadness, and anxiety. During this challenging time, lean on your support system for emotional support and encouragement. Whether with family, friends, or a medical professional, sharing your feelings and concerns with others can provide comfort and perspective.  

Most importantly, before you have definitive results from your follow-up, try to keep your mind from spiraling into “what ifs” and imagining worst-case scenarios. 

Educating Yourself

For many people, it can be helpful to research the types of testing and screenings used for breast cancer detection. Empowering yourself with knowledge about diagnostic tests and the science used in breast cancer testing and treatment can be helpful to guide your mind as you continue forward. 

Purposefully waiting until a diagnosis is provided before researching breast cancer treatment plans and symptoms can help alleviate fears and uncertainties while you wait on results. If you do have a breast cancer diagnosis, your healthcare provider can provide reliable information and resources to educate yourself further. Additionally, reputable websites and organizations dedicated to breast cancer awareness and support can offer valuable insights and guidance. However, be cautious of misinformation online and always verify information with trusted sources.

Embrace Mental Health Support Services and Care

As you go through the process of breast cancer screenings, fears, anxiety, or other mental health challenges may arise as you encounter an unfamiliar path. At this time, taking advantage of the additional services available might be helpful. Great Salt Plains Health has many incredible behavioral health counselors and psychiatric care providers who can help you through the mental health challenges and emotional challenges you encounter. 

Focus on Self-Care

Remember to prioritize self-care. The uncertainty of screenings and additional testing can create a heavy mental load. Caring for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for your overall health and well-being.

Practice healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, getting enough rest, and managing stress. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or enjoying nature. Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's vital to your overall health. 

Monitor Your Health With GSP Health in NW Oklahoma 

Navigating life after a breast cancer screening may involve a complex mix of emotions, decisions, and actions. At Great Salt Plains Health, we support you at every step, from understanding your screening results to protecting your mental health and embracing self-care. 

We hope Great Salt Plains Health's support and guidance help you approach each step with confidence and resilience. We’re here to help you prioritize your breast health and empower you every step of the way. 

If you do not have a women’s health care provider in Enid or northwest Oklahoma, contact Great Salt Plains Health today to make an appointment. Establishing care with a provider is the first step to getting a mammogram referral.

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